Free Fonts for Motion Design
Typography in motion design is different from still graphic design, as it has less time to deliver the message, and the fact that the picture is moving limits the choice of fonts. Motion design comprises many different components – shapes, colors, surfaces, animation, music, and texts – and all are intertwined to create a perfect piece of work. And text font is an essential part of the whole project, just as any other. It impacts the viewer's perception and contributes to the clarity and coherence of the communicated idea.
Which font to choose for your animated video? What are the best free fonts for motion graphics, and where to find them? Let's find out.
How to Choose the Right Font
Choosing the best font for your project includes considering several aspects:
- First, there're many typefaces that you can pick from (typefaces are lettering designs that include variations in size, weight, slope, etc.). Different typefaces can be more suitable for small sizes, while others are better readable in large types. The same goes for a headline and a body copy, what is suitable for one, is illegible for the other.
- Second, consider the amount of text that should be included and its purpose. Some fonts may be more fitting for delivering serious information, while others appear casual or aesthetically pleasing.
- Third, the layout and the space that the text takes up. Not all fonts can fit and be readable in the amount of space you leave for the text. Check before choosing.

Choosing Type for Mograph
Type in motion graphics is more than just written words. Type delivers your message, statement, and emotions and creates your personal style. Some important factors can impact your choice of kinetic typeface:
- Clarity and simplicity. A simple font makes your animation viewer-friendly and easy to comprehend. A sophisticated and complex type can lead to confusion and unnecessary meanings, especially when animated.
- Harmonious with your brand guidelines. The font that you choose should reflect your business' personality and vision. A type that corresponds with your brand makes the animation cohesive and improves recognition and brand awareness.
- Composition. The text should be a part of your animation. Highlight the keywords to which the viewer should pay attention, and choose your text's color, tone, scale, and hierarchy in compliance with the rest of the animated video.
Top 10 Fonts
There's a wide variety of fonts available for designers, and picking the right one can be pretty challenging. This selection of eye-catching, trendy, and cool fonts provides great options for your animation.
Here's a list of popular typography fonts and typefaces that you can use for free.

1) Pangram. Free to try.
This is a rounded sans-serif font inspired by geometric shapes. Pangram makes your product fun and playful.

2) Clash Display. Free
A group of sans serif fonts that are tame and exciting at the same time. It's great for use in large sizes.

3) NEWAKE FONT. Free for personal use
A sans-serif font with slightly rounded corners brings elegance and a cool style to the composition.

This is a sans-serif font family with elegant curves and geometric lines.

5) HEMING. Free
Heming is a monotype-style font that gives a modern look to your design.

6) Karen – Funny Cartoon Font. Free for personal use
A comical and funny font great for use in large sizes.

7) Code Next extrabold. Free
Code Next extra-bold is a part of the Code Next fonts family. It's a geometric font with versatile functionality.

8) Object Sans. Free to try
Object Sans is a multifunctional contemporary type family, combining neo-grotesks and geometric fonts.

9) IBM Plex Sans. Free
IBM Plex Sans is a popular classic font family from the Google Fonts library.

10) Disket. Free
This is a display font inspired by geometry and architecture.

Where to Find Fonts
If there are better options for you or different from what you are looking for just now, there are many places where you can find fonts. Here are some of them:
This is a store by Monotype with a collection of more than 150,000 font products that you can preview, buy, and download. Here you can also learn about new font releases.
Adobe Fonts gives access to more than 20,000 fonts that are already licensed and are suitable for personal and commercial use. This tool is included with the Creative Cloud subscription.
Google Fonts is a library of 1462 open-source font families and icons that you can download and use in digital products.
Picking a font is one of the most significant visual content steps. The right kinetic typography font should deliver the message to the audience and make the animation-watching experience memorable, exciting, and inspiring. And with the new typography knowledge, you can feel more confident in choosing what you find fitting.
You can rely on professionals who know how to achieve the desired objectives. Still, motion graphics typography is a particular art field requiring extensive experience to create a unique and perfect final product. And picking the one you like or is popular may not be the best idea.